My mum can’t stop looking at it

My mum can’t stop looking at it

It is always very nice to hear when someone likes a commission. They said: “Thank you for the fabulous painting. They absolutely loved it. Totally thrilled. My mum can’t stop looking at it.”
A Portrait of Sunset House

A Portrait of Sunset House

“Hi Brenda, I’m absolutely delighted with it – I can’t wait to see their faces on Christmas day when they open it! Thank you again for making it so brilliant.”
Ardingly College “Commem” Bags

Ardingly College “Commem” Bags

I was thrilled to be asked by Argingly College to supply 125 watercolour prints of the college to be included in their “Commem” bags. This, along with a leavers book, is something for every student who has completed their education to treasure and ‘commemorate’ their...