Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge


This state boarding school in Stourbridge is situated on a large site and comprises of many buildings. It was the headmaster’s excellent suggestion that I paint this particular building surrounded by trees and on elevated ground.

To get the best view I had to scale a high wall and balance up there whilst taking my reference photos. But the finished painting made the effort worthwhile.

Placing an Order

To place an order you will need to select which option you prefer from the dropdown below.

For the large size, the size of the print is 13½” x 10½” in a mount of  20” x 16”.
If you opt for a frame this makes the overall size 21” by 17”.
For the small size, the size of the print is 9½” x 6½” in a mount of  16” x 12”.
If you opt for a frame this makes the overall size 17” by 13”.

Payment can be made by BACS or cheque. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery.

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